Monday, September 20, 2010

Reinier de Jong and the REK bookcase.

The expandable REK bookcase has been a obsession of mine for the past couple months, ever since I saw it in the 3rd edition of Transmaterials (good book for random stuff by the way) and recently I finially found out the price and just how unattainable it is, haha...
But I still love the designs! Here is a brand new one that quirked me :)

Notice the steps, then notice that its more of a double step pattern and then notice that it is actually just normal steps with a quirk :)

And here is the bookcase I love soooooo much just for fun:



  1. How much does it cost, would you know? I checked their website, but it says "price on request." I'm not an interested buyer (not yet) but I'd like to know, out of curiosity, how much it costs approximately. Thanks :)

  2. How much does it cost, would you know? I checked their website, but it says "price on request." I'm not an interested buyer (not yet) but I'd like to know, out of curiosity, how much it costs approximately. Thanks :)
